Thursday, October 1, 2009

a simple majlis creation view-1

This is the main majlis for the interior designing and 3D visualization of the al msaferi villa project. The client asked for a unique dropped ceiling feature and for a simple yet elegant wooden wall mounted panels and has come up with this design. It's but a wide custom for Arabic people to have a seating area after a meal, the reason for putting various seating furnitures and coffee table in the area.

a simple majlis creation view-2

This view was rendered to show the other face of the design, focusing mainly on the dropped ceiling feature and wood panels installed on the wall. A little part of the planter was included to add drama and realism to the rendering.

a simple majlis creation view-3

A view rendered from the right corner of the room, trying to portray the overall furniture layout as well as the focus on the other side of the ceiling features.